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Medi-Connect:  Profiling & Validation Functionality

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Step 1:  User logs into the System:

Users log onto the Medi-Connect system using their username and password.   There is no limit to the number of users that can access the system at any one time.   In this example, Andrew Simpson is logging into the system to profile some new medications for a patient on Ward 26.

Step 2:  Select the Profiling Area from the Main Menu:

All areas of Medi-Connect can be accessed quickly using the simple menu structure.   In the image below, the user double-clicks on the Pyxis Profiling Area.

Step 3:  Enter the Patient's NHI Number and start Selecting Medications to Profile:

Below you can see the Pyxis Profiling area displayed.   The user has entered the patient's NHI number in the box on the right hand side and the medications already profiled for her on the Pyxis system are displayed in Section 1.   These can be sorted in the order they were profiled (default) or in alphabetical order.   To remove any of these medications from the Pyxis system, the user can simply double-click on the medication.

Any medications we add to the profile will be displayed in Section 2 in the bottom half of the screen.    In this example. we want to add Allopurinol 300mg Tablets to her profile.   The user keys in the text to search for - in this case 'Allo 300' and presses the Enter key.

Step 4:  Select the Medication to Profile from the Search Results:

The results of the search are displayed in the pop-up box below.   The user has the option of double-clicking on the result they want, OR pressing the number of the corresponding line and pressing the Enter key.   This is an extremely efficient method of profiling and allows many medications to be profiled in a short period of time.

Step 5:  View of the Profiling area with 3 new Medications Profiled:

In the example below, the user has profiled three new medications for our patient - Allopurinol, Bendrofluazide and Candesartan tablets.   To remove any of the medications that have just been profiled, the user simply needs to double click on the medication.

Once the profile is complete, the user clicks the 'Return to Main Menu' button.   All medications profiled are effectively in quarantine until they are reviewed by a clinical pharmacist who can check for any problems with doses, interactions etc...


Step 6:  Pharmacist Selects the Validation Area from the Main Menu:

To clinically review and 'Validate' the new medications in order to make them available for removal on the Pyxis Medstation on the ward, the Pharmacist must log in to the Validation Area.   In the example below, Andrew is now logging into the Validation Area.

Step 7:  Enter the Patient's NHI Number and Review the Profiled Medications:

As with the profiling example above, the patient's NHI number is entered into the box on the right hand side of the screen and the medications already profiled for her on the Pyxis system are displayed in in the top half of the screen.   These too can be sorted in the order they were profiled (default) or in alphabetical order.   To remove any of these medications from the Pyxis system, the user can double-click on the medication & it will be deleted.

Any medications that have been added to the profile but have NOT been clinically reviewed will be displayed in the bottom half of the screen.    In this example. we can see the Allopurinol, Bendrofluazide & Candesartan tablets that were profiled in the previous steps.

The pharmacist reviews the medications already profiled in combination with those that have been newly profiled, and selects each medication they want to send to the Pyxis system.

Step 8:  Validation area after Medications have been sent to the Pyxis system:

Once the user has selected the medications to send, they click the 'Send Selected Items to Pyxis' button and the items are transmitted to the Pyxis system.   All transactions are logged to the individual who performed them.


Copyright PharmSoft 2011. All Rights Reserved. Last Updated April 2011
3">Copyright PharmSoft 2011. All Rights Reserved. Last Updated April 2011